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What Buhari Must Do Before Leaving Office In 2023 - Ezendigbo

The founder of Better Nigeria For Better People and presidential runner, Chief CBN Onwuasoanya Ezendigbo has tasked the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari not to draw the curtain of his regime, while leaving behind corrupt politicians to continue milking the resources of the country. Speaking in a statement released on Tuesday, "We cannot be killing our soldiers, police officers, they're human beings, they are there to protect our nation, the fact that our politicians are corrupt, stealing and borrowing our money and share among themselves, the corruption must stop. He bared that the problems facing Nigeria started about four decades ago. they're looting and nobody is asking them question, Buhari must not leave while corrupt politicians still moves freely, without holding them accountable, said Ezendigbo. Our currency started sinking around 1982, some people are responsible for it, we can't be proud of our nation any longer when some of our leaders who have rendered what should be described as selfless but selfish services are in detention, it's a disgrace to the nation. Why are we conducting election without prosecuting those responsible for our problem, factories are down, young people are out of jobs, they must go back to work, there must be employment, they need to be happy again, they must not be reduced to zero in their country. Apart from our natural resources, we have manpower, we've intellectuals, when you hear that former this, former that endorsing one candidate without they refunding fund they have looted, are they endorsing to continue looting from where they stop, what's the rational? Meanwhile, Ezendigbo had suggested barely a month ago, that conducting election without addressing the key issues is as sitting on keg of gun powder. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has warned that this year’s general election faces a serious threat of cancellation if the ravaging insecurity is not properly tackled. Oozing that if the insecurity is not monitored and dealt with decisively, it could ultimately culminate in the cancellation and/or postponement of elections in sufficient constituencies to hinder declaration of elections results and precipitate constitutional crisis.

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