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Gratitude Turns What We Have Into Enough

No duty is more urgent than returning a thank. I am Not Only thanking God Almighty Allah for granting me Another fabulous year of life but, also for surrounded me lovely people. I thank each and everyone for your lovely Birthday wishes and for showering me love, all your wishes and blessings mean a lot to Me. Sorry, I was so busy, I wasn't able to reply to a few Calls and Messages from My Friends and some close allies. I hope You won't Mind. I thank my besties for being around me, I love you all for making my Birthday such a Wonderful and a memorable day of my life. I thank everyone for making me feel special. Thank you all for being a special part of l
y Life 🧬 Love You All, I So Feel Humble! Stay blessed! ALL FOR ONE! ONE FOR ALL! TUNICE CARES!

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