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Family Planning: Osun Primary Health Care Sensitises Media Personnel, Information Officer's Swift Awareness

 In a move to promote family planning awareness, demand and use, Osun State Primary Health Care Board was yesterday 15th June, 2023. organised a 1-Day orientation meeting comprises of media personnel and information officers in response to the state's objective to minimise the adverse effects of risky, irresponsible sexual behaviour among young people.

The ministry in a remark by Dr. Adebusola, tasked Media's role to assist government in the area of demand creation, behavioural change and advocacy, while digging into background role of Media, " Osun State has an estimated population of 5,522,060 million people with 1.214,853 million women of reproductive age (15 - 49 years), the most common media source of family planning message is the radio."

What To Know About Family Planning (FP)

Family Planning (FP); It refers to the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control, it enables individuals and couples to anticipate and have their desired number children, and to achieve healthy spacing and timing of their births.

An Overview Of Family Planning in Nigeria

High risk of pregnancies are those occuring;

• Before Age 18 or after age 35years

• Women with more than four births and pregnancies that occur at less than 2years interval

• Women who have unplanned pregnancies sometimes risk the danger of having illegal unsafe abortion and its complications.

Major Causes Of Maternal Death

A. Haemorrhage (Bleeding)

B. Obstructed labour prolonged labour

C. Infection

D. Enclapsia 

What Are Benefits of FP?

- Woman

- Child

- Man

- Family

- Community

- LGA/State

- Nation.

Osun State family planning coordinator, Mrs. Ololade Margaret Abatan remarked that,  unwanted pregnancies among the adolescent and young people is a barrier between them and their goals, "ones have to choose between future or failure, she noted."

Barrier To Use Of Modern Contraceptive Methods

• Cost

• Gender and socio cultura norms

• Lack of awareness

• Lack of knowledge of access

• Medical Barrier (Inappropriate criteria)

• Provider-dependent


• Myths

• Time 

Some Of The Current Issues In Nigeria

1. Maternal and child mortality

2. Overpopulation

3. Poverty


Mrs. Ololade Margaret emphasized the importance roles of family planning which assist imperfect couples to be investigated and treated to achieve pregnancy. According to her, "giving birth every year is too close. To allow adequate psychological and physiological developments, a lady must reached age of 18 before going into pregnancy."

Osun State Health Indices



Popu-lation   5,522,060 NPC 2021

Women of   1,214,853 NPC 2021





Total             3.8            NDHS 2018



Contracep-   29.4%       NDHS 2018

tive Preva




Contracep-    27%           NDHS 2018

tive Preva




Family            25.6%        NHDS 2018




Adolescents  41/1000 -    NHDS 2018

Birth Rate     Live Births 

(1% of under

18 pregnant)

Maternal           81/100,    NHMIS

Mortality           000 Live   2020

Ratio                  Births 


Infant                  47/100,    NDHS

Mortality             000, Live  2018

Rate (IMR)           Births 

The above table shows unacceptable adolescents birth rate, family planning unmet needs and maternal mortality ratio which could be reduced through aggressive awareness creation.

You're kindly enjoin to contribute to awareness creation, promotion and generation of public discourse on Family Planning FP information and services in the State.

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